Wednesday, November 19, 2008



I rarely watch this kind of thing, but I watched this.

On the personal level, Barack and Michelle are a completely charming, beautiful couple.

The intelligence and keen sensibilities of both of them are obvious.

There has not been a couple like them in the White House in a very long time.

Also on the personal level, what is so apparent in the president-elect is a remarkable, unflappable temperament.

It comes right through, and it is just what the world needs now in an American president.

The policy level is always, I think, the least important part of such interviews since policy changes and adjusts to changing circumstances and new priorities.

Just look at the way the economy has shot to the front of the line in a very short time. Few could have predicted this.

Obama's basic qualities of character assure the world of a rational response from America whatever the situation. No more blindly stupid, infantile "You’re with us or against us!" or "Bring 'em on!"

Indeed I like to think there will be no speaking out of both sides of one mouth, a disgusting Bush speciality. Apologies for the atrocious acts at Abu Ghraib while giving us Ozzie-and-Harriet stuff about that not being the America he knew.

Mighty good to hear torture - using the word without the shading or quibbling of No-ethics McCain - is not going to represent America anymore.

Good to hear that moral hellhole in Guantanamo is to be closed.

I only hope the poor prisoners left can be released rather than tried in civilian courts.

You do not try captured enemies in war, unless true war crimes are involved. But the only unambiguous war crimes involved here are those of George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld.

By every reasonable standard, they should be subject to an international war crimes trial, but we know well they will not be.

I think the emphasis on Osama bin Laden is not promising. He is a tired old man, and we have not had a single published scrap of evidence that he is guilty of anything other than hating the policies of the United States. But this kind of thing is unavoidable given the politics of the United States.

Obama is overall a highly welcome figure on the world stage.