Sunday, May 18, 2008



What is truly happening here is Harper's introduction of Republican Right Wing tactics and attitudes. His is not the traditional decent conservatism of Canada.

Our parliamentary institutions and traditions are not equipped well enough to deal with this ugly new (to Canada) politics.

We've always had clashes and intensities in our parliament, but Harper has brought schoolyard bully behavior to every aspect of parliamentary activity.

Because he is such a natural tyrant-type at heart, he keeps his party's every word and motion in line with his personal intentions.

Everything from Question Period to Committee activity to private meetings with his caucus (known for his cold-blooded anger at times) has taken on the tone he promotes.

Look at his tolerance for Peter MacKay's ugly behavior towards Belinda Stronach, not even demanding an apology for his insulting a woman in parliament and lying about what so many clearly know he said.

Look at his ugly, needlessly provocative words about Israel. No one is fairer minded in the Middle East than Canadians have been, but Harper seems determined to generate the "love it or leave it" ugliness of American politics on these matters.

Look at his endless personal taunting of a decent man like Dion. These aren’t over issues, these are raw personal attacks by a natural bully.

When in our history has a prime minister insulted Canadians for their views of another state's activity? His comments were beneath contempt.

He is, quite simply, Americanizing our parliament and politics, and by "Americanize," I mean the worst aspects of American politics. The Bush shabby, lowlife words in Israel. The insane name-calling and threats of Clinton. The constant nasty-mouthing of a Newt Gingrich. The dark ugliness of a Tom Delay.

A natural bully, Harper taunts the Liberal leader with personal insults regularly. He suppresses meaningful activity on a number of matters, paralyzing committee activity with walk-out-the-door tactics, while pretending to openness and democratic values.

Harper has managed to shut-up the Christian extremists in his party, this gives the public an impression of his being a moderate. But what he has introduced instead is a hundred times more damaging to our democracy than the occasional goofy remark from odd people.