Tuesday, August 26, 2008



Michelle is a truly remarkable woman.

I did not listen to her speech at the convention only because I never listen to stuff so predictably sentimental.

But the woman is a true American success story in the very best sense.

From humble circumstances to graduation with a fine education. A happy marriage. Two lovely children. A beautiful smile.

And when she spoke a while back about being proud of America for the first time in a while, I understood exactly what she meant.

Her words were, of course, torn apart by the America’s huge flock of political vultures, but the words were honest and meaningful, far more so than we've heard from others in her position.

Americans always claim to love honesty and freedom of speech, but so many of them, as soon as they actually experience these qualities, back away from them as though they were poisonous.

You are supposed, always, to be working towards the Fatherland with never a critical comment. Everything is always good in America.

A woman of her background, how could she be proud of her country's past treatment of so many of its own citizens?

How could she be proud of all those ugly colonial wars killing many, many innocent people - indeed, generally people of color?

Compare the brave qualities and fierce intelligence of this woman to Cindy McCain, former drug addict, drug thief, breaker of McCain's first marriage, clothes-horse, caught in dishonest claims several times, and simply dull person.

Those mates say something profound about their husbands' personalities.

A man with a good mind and brave spirit embraces a strong, bright woman. They glow in their pictures together.

The old frat boy, skirt-chaser, given to vicious jokes, furious bouts of temper and name-calling, marries a rather dim blond with lots of money, having dumped the woman who waited for him for over five years while he was a prisoner.

Anyone with eyes and ears sees where the real class is.