Exclusive: study shows
half of Britons believe fascist views are on the rise in the US, UK and Europe
Well, even if the poll is honest – and we've had so many
recently which are not - it really comes as no surprise.
The press in Britain - including very much The Independent -
has run a non-stop campaign of name-calling and innuendo and outright
distortions about a whole list of political leaders and events.
These included Brexit, Trump, Farage, Le Pen, and others,
complemented by the opposite kind of positive phony coverage for the likes of
Hillary, Obama, Merkel, Hollande, and a whole list of failed politicians and
It has all very much resembled the press yelling
"fire" in a crowded theater.
No analysis or honest effort to understand ever appears in
print or on broadcast.
Party membership is a guarantee of nothing. Take Obama as
the leading example. Here is a man who belongs to a political party once
associated with Franklin Roosevelt, but that association has zero life in it
The Democrats gave the world a genuine holocaust in Vietnam
(estimated 3 million killed by the US) for no other reason than geo-political
That evil spirit has continued right down to Obama who is
responsible for several hundred thousand deaths and immense damage in the
Middle East.
He and Hillary have killed far more people than many
infamous dictators, yet British press portray them as "liberal" and
"decent" and "sensible."
Ridiculous. Murder is murder.
People such as Trump or Farage have killed precisely no one.
Nor have they started any imperial wars. Yet they are unfailingly belittled and
criticized by an unbelievably unfair and unbalanced press.
So, with day-and-night negative advertising running, is it
any surprise that many people believe the worst? Of course not.
You know labelling someone as a fascist is a cheap and easy
thing to do, and if you own a newspaper or a television station you can have a
lot of people - people who don't have the time or inclination to inform
themselves through a variety of sources - believing that we are in dangerous
But we are not, except for the deliberately created
conflicts and atrocities of people like Obama or Hillary or Netanyahu -
conflicts and atrocities and vicious behavior left completely unexamined by
so-called journalism today.
Response to another
Yours is a common misconception when you call an institution
like BBC "leftie" or "liberal."
What in God's name is liberal or left-of-center about
supporting the invasion of Iraq? The invasion of Libya? The deliberately
induced horrors of Syria?
The Saudi atrocities in Yemen? An entire new American
industry in extrajudicial murder created by Obama? Supporting an obvious and
destructive anti-democratic coup in Ukraine?
How about never looking into what Israel has done in Gaza
and the West Bank?
Or supporting endlessly bloody and destructive people like
Tony Blair or David Cameron?
Your labelling - and I find it a common approach among what
I might call more libertarian people - is just as completely wrong and
destructive as the mainline press's false labelling of Trump or Farage.
The BBC is servile and bent, utterly bent, to establishment
interests and prejudices. It is not liberal.