Blair has been an unqualified failure.
Churchill said democracy was the worst form of government, except for all the others.
We see in Blair's long term a clinical example of how badly democracy can fail.
Blair is fairly clever and at times eloquent, but he utterly lacks those magical qualities of wisdom and judgment.
He has given everything to America's first certified-moron president, received nothing in return, earned a reputation in Washington as a dependable dependent, while earning much of the world's dislike.
The Iraq invasion was without question an illegal act. Mass murder. And it has achieved nothing but instability in the region and distrust of all democratic claims.
Blair's lack of judgment and wisdom shows in domestic policies, too.
I think few in Britain understand how poor is the state of American education that Blair insists on copying.
Despite institutions like Harvard, America has a huge number of third-rate institutions that give 'degrees' for doing little of anything academic.
You may get a degree in English without ever reading Shakespeare. You may get degrees in subjects like circus or television or playground management.
America is littered with high schools that graduate anyone who bothers to show up. Its urban 'academies' are pitiful, being generally little more than dressed-up failures.
Grades are so meaningless from the nation's high schools, where in some cases 75% are on 'the honor role,' that universities can no longer trust them. Thus the growth in the gigantic SAT/ACT testing industry to attempt some assurance of ability.
Poor black kids who play basketball but have little interest in academics are manipulated by institutions who want winning teams to draw monetary contributions from successful alumni.
The kids are paid in the currency of sports scholarships which every study shows are great failures for many.
Blair's legacy on the cultural front is pathetic.
The billion-dollar Millennium Dome, ugly and useless. The nasty Princess Diana memorial, a gloried drainage ditch, instead of a lovely statue (of her with an AIDS child?) the Princess's admirers could gain inspiration from. Consignia? Quickly consigned where it belongs.
A very sorry state of things altogether.
I would not normally add criticism of a leader's mate, but Cherie has stuck her nose time and again into public affairs.
And Cherie Blair is a national embarrassment.
Great gaping yawns in public, photographed to last for all time.
Special personal assistants striving to mend her tendency to slouchy, gum-chewing behavior.
Absurdly expensive haircuts, intended to make a ripe plum from a prune, all done at the expense of others.
Vapid speeches done for profit on the American rubber-chicken circuit, displaying not an ounce of awareness of the dignity expected of her position, the funds being destined to pay the mortgage on a pretentious house beyond her family's means.
Blair is a criminal, but Cherie is an idiot.
Whatever she does in retirement, we can be sure it will be air-headed, if not downright squalid.
If Blair is used for anything on his retirement, it should be as an official tester for CIA/FBI lie-detecting gear. He'd provide an acid test, so to speak, and he could fly around the world on unmarked planes with darkened windows, feeling important.