It's time for the civilized world to act against Iran, writes one person here.
I wonder just what civilized world he addresses?
The United States that killed more than 600,000 in Iraq and destroyed the economy for a generation, all to no good purpose?
The same country that killed 3 million in Vietnam and left a wreckage of bomb craters, minefields, and hideous toxic chemicals behind?
The United States that used the atomic bomb twice, on civilians?
The United States that encouraged Hussein in his bloody war against Iran and stood quietly by while he used chemical weapons again and again?
The Israel that slaughtered 1500 people in Lebanon, destroyed part of a beautiful city, and left behind a hellish minefield of cluster bomblets, all on the flimsy excuse that two soldiers were kidnapped?
The Israel that previously invaded Lebanon and drove the country into a hell of tens of thousands of deaths?
The Israel that maintains a hideous apartheid?
The Israel that secretly keeps a nuclear arsenal? Or the Israel that assisted apartheid South Africa in developing a secret atomic weapon?
Good God, what rubbish.
It is, in part, from these very civilized people that Iran, close to surrounded by America or its nuclear-armed allies, feels the desperate need for some security.