John Chuckman
“Senator Marco Rubio: US Must Initiate Widespread Unrest in Venezuela
“In public testimony, Marco Rubio called on the U.S. to promote “widespread unrest” in order to eventually bring down the Maduro government in Venezuela.”
It is amazing that genuine thugs like Marco Rubio can flourish politically in the United States.
You might think people would be repelled by his kind of rhetoric and advocacy.
All decent and thoughtful people should be repelled by it.
But Americans in general seem not to be, which says a very great deal about the political and ethical tone of the country.
Americans – most of them, anyway, judging by the press - seem comfortable with their government claiming a right to threaten, to tell others what to do, and just unambiguously to interfere in the internal affairs of others.
I do believe that set of behaviors is called fascism.